Dobavljač okretišta Quick Pass za brzu i pouzdanu kontrolu pristupa
1、Razumijevanje okretnica za brzi prolaz
1.1 Što su okretišta za brzi prolaz
Quick Pass turnstiles are specially designed entry and exit barriers that come with technology such as RFID readers and high-speed gate mechanisms technology, among others. Okretište za brzo dodavanjemože dati brz pristup bez ugrožavanja sigurnosnog aspekta.
1.2 Ključne značajke
Rad velike brzine:Okretišta Quick Pass mogu omogućiti veliki broj korisnika, posebno u razdoblju koje skraćuje vrijeme čekanja.
Pouzdana sigurnost:Okretište Quick Pass uključuje napredne identifikatore s ciljem sprječavanja neovlaštene uporabe.
Korisničko sučelje:Kontrole su osnovne i logične što pojednostavljuje administraciju i operacije.
Trajnost:Korišteni materijali mogu izdržati svakodnevno nošenje i koristiti ekstremne uvjete i vremenske uvjete.
2、Primjene u svim sektorima
2.1 Prometna čvorišta
In airports, train stations and bus terminals as well Quick Pass turnstiles enhance the flow of passengers as security is effortlessly achieved. The quick touch of the access control systems reduces the bottlenecks experienced during rush hours.
2.2 Korporativne zgrade
For office complexes and business premises Quick Pass Turnstile are a safe but practical solution to restrict entry of staff and visitors, thus improving workplace security.
2.3 Javni događaji
The quick pass turnstiles allow the patrons of the event to go through the sorting area and emerge onto the concourse at appropriate events for better management of spectators during concerts, sporting activities and shows.
3、Prednosti korištenja okretišta za brzi prolaz
3.1 Poboljšana sigurnost
This improves security as well due to the integration of advanced recognition systems to the Quick Pass turnstiles systems that do not slow down the point of access. This allows only those that should be allowed to access the facility.
3.2 Povećana učinkovitost
The fast processing of these turnstiles enhances the capacity of handling a greater number of the people within a particular time which is very useful during high activity periods such as at transport centers and at events.