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Kengaytirilgan xavfsizlikni ta'minlash uchun avtomatlashtirilgan ikki tomonlama kirish turnike

Vaqt : 2024-10-23

Ishonchli va xavfsiz kirishni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun qurilgan
The design of automated double entry turnstile would incorporate safety as one of the major aspects. Some heavy duty and long lasting materials are employed in the turnstile's construction so that it can be used many times over for quite a long period of time while still providing a dependable security level. Safety sensors are also put in place so that the moment there is a forced entry or an attempt to enter without authority, an alarm is raised to the security people. Avtomatlashtirilgan ikki tomonlama kirish turnikeBundan tashqari, chimdik va anti tailgating funktsiyalari bilan jihozlangan, shuning uchun foydalanuvchilar har doim xavfsiz tomonda.

Qo'shimcha xavfsizlik uchun keng foydalanish doirasi
various applications of this automated double entry turnstile include applications in corporate offices, government institutions and facilities, stadiums, and even transportation centres. Its ability to be added to existing security systems puts it at an advantage for places with high risk and require Stringent access control measures. The automated double entry turnstile allows efficient control of high traffic environment by ensuring that only authorized persons are allowed access to a facility.


Hududni aqlli texnologiyalar bilan ta'minlash
The automated double entry turnstile from is designed to enhance access control. Using modern technology, automated double entry turnstile controls the flow of people and minimizes the problems of tailgating and others gaining entry into the area. The system spoons into various other access control strategies such as card readers, biometric scanning and face recognition systems in order to ensure that only approved personnel can access the area. Automated double-entry design permits fairly easy and effective two-way access which enables it to be used in areas with heavy traffic volume and security revolves around the zone.

Turboo tomonidan boshqa xavfsizlik echimlarini kashf eting
Turboo also has all other access control devices in addition to its automated double entry turnstiles. Our offer includes, full height turnstiles, flap barriers, swing gates and others depending on the security specification. All the items are manufactured as per the standards and specifications enabling our products to give dependable and efficient services in every application.

Turboo xavfsizlik mahsulotlarining mahsulot assortimenti nafaqat turnikelarni o'z ichiga oladi. Shuningdek, zamonaviy ob'ektlarning ehtiyojlariga javob beradigan avtoturargohni boshqarish, avtomatik eshiklar va piyodalar eshiklari uchun ishlatiladigan boshqa xavfsizlik echimlari ham mavjud.

OLDINGI :Mustahkam eshiklari uchun zanglamaydigan po'latdan yasalgan Tripod turnike fabrikası

KEYINGI:Tayyorlangan vertikal Tripod turnike Ishlab chiqaruvchi echimlar